Donor walls

Marc Gentili

Graduated in : 2004 Alumnus

Supports : the general missions of the Foundation

To give is to be part of a collective dream.

Didier Dohy

Graduated in : 1982 Alumnus

Supports : the general missions of the Foundation

A contribution to maintain the excellence of this university which has educated me and brought me so much.

Rolland Tran Van Lieu

Graduated in : 1990 Alumnus

Supports : the general missions of the Foundation and the Passeport Pluri'elles scholarships

I give in order to help build a great university of the 21st century.

Annie Barthélémy

Supports : the Passeport Pluri'elles scholarships

I encourage the Sorbonne University project, which immediately attracted me with its ambitious, innovative and internationally visible character.

Chantal Bourgin

Graduated in : 2004 Alumna

Supports : the general missions of the Foundation and the Passeport Pluri'elles scholarships

Sorbonne University is a big family, to which I am happy and proud to belong.

Golden Circle

André DUFIEUX, Christophe FILHOL, Henri SALHA    

Silver Circle

Chantal BOURGIN 


Jacques Eugene AMOUROUX, Bernard ANDRIEUX, Denis ARCHAMBAUD, Stéphane BARTHELEMY, Jean-Claude BOUCAUT, Michel    BOYER, Jean BROUTIN, Christian CARIMALO, Bernard CLERJAUD, Jean-Pierre DADOUNE, Elisabeth DALIMIER, Ghislain DE MARSILY, Didier DOHY, Pierre DOUSSINEAU, Georges DUVAUT, Bruno ENJALBERT, Catherine GARNIER, François GENDRON, Marc GENTILI, Isabelle LAMARQUE, Rémi LANTIER, Pierre LASSERRE, Jean LEMERLE, Armand LEVY, Michel Charles MANTION, Pascale MENTRE, Jean-Louis MONTMAGNON, Françoise PICHOU, Paul RABETTE, Brigitte SENUT, Michel    WALDSCHMIDT, David WARREN


Jean-Pierre ADOLPHE, Grégoire ALLAIRE, Richard ANOUN, Santiago ARAGON, Florence BABONNEAU, Daphne BATAMIO, Jean-Jacques BAUDON, Philippe Albert Marie BERNADAT, Danièle    BILLOT-KLEIN, Patrick    BITEAU, Claude    BLUM, Anne BONGRAIN, François BONNAFOUS-BOUCHER, Sahli BOUACHRIA, François BOUCHET, Marie-Odile BOUQUET RAFFIER, Geneviève BOURG-HECKLY, Françoise BOURSIN, Dominique André BOUVIER, Christine BRET, Pascal BRIDE, Edith BROT-LAROCHE, Denise BUSSON, Denise    CADE, Jean-Paul CADET André CALAS, Marie-Madeleine CALS, Chantal CARAYAN, Marie-France CARETTE, Cécile CARON, Pierre-André CAZENAVE, Jean CHAMBAZ, Calixte CHAMPETIER, Denise CHILLET, Bernard COLLET, Yvette COLOMBIER, Anne COURRIER, Alexis COURTOIS, Sylvie CRASQUIN, Michèle CRUMEYROLLE, Alain D'HARLINGUE, Janine DAHAN, Michel DAHAN, Geoffroy DANGUY, Nathalie DE CHAISEMARTIN, Annette DECOMPS, Nicolas DEGALLIER, Paul DEHEUVELS, Olivier DELACOTTE, Nicole DELHAYE-BOUCHAUD, Elisabeth DELOZANNE, Christelle DERE, François-Xavier    DESVAUX, Nathalie DEVARD, Didier DEVILLIERS, Marc DODET, Cyrille DUGOUSSET, Claude DUTHEILLET LAMONTHEZIE, Claire EVESQUE, Guylaine FAUCHEUX, Michel FICHANT, Victor FOUAD HANNA, Daniel GAULTIER, Emmanuel GHEERBRANT, Christian GILAIN, Hélène GIROIRE, Monika GORNIEWSKA, Elisabeth GUENELEY, Jean-Claude GUINOT, Denise HAIDANT, Thérèse HARDIN, Annie HENRY, Jean-Charles JACQUEMIN, Nicole JACQUINET, Pierre JARRAUD, Philippe JEANNIN, Barthélémy JOBERT, Ludovic JULLIEN, Jean-François KAHN, Florence KATZ, Maryse    LA GREVE, Jean Marc LABAT, Catherine LANDRY, Bernadette LASSERRE, Christian LE BLAINVAUX, Dominique BERNARD LEFEBVRE, Anne-Claire LEGENDRE, Fréderic LETESSIER, Pierre LEVIS, Jacqueline LORENZ, Geneviève LOUPIAS, Elisabeth MARCHALANT, Claude MARSAULT, Marie-Madeleine MARTINET, Edwige MASURE, Léonor MAZIERES, Mélina MERCIER, Emmanuel MUSEUX, Elisabeth NADIM, Michel NICOLLET DE LAGRILLIERE, Paul NIVAL, Christine NORA, Gary OGER, Lucien PAGET, Pierre-Olivier PALLIER, Denise PAULIN, Eric PICQUENARD, Roland PONS, Hélène POUZET, Roger PRUD'HOMME, MURIEL RAINFRAY,, André RATTANAVAN, Marie-Christine    RENAUD, Lucile RICHARDOT, Janine RIVELINE, Bich ROBICHON, Philippe François ROMARY, Dominique SALIN, Annelise SAMAIN, Lydie SAURY, ABDELMANNARE SEULEIMAN, Keyvan Reza SHAMSA, Chantal STEHLE, Walid TABBARA, Anne Christine TABERLET, Denise TANCELIN, Irène TATISCHEFF, Véronique THOMAS, Fréderic TORASSO, Yvan TOUITOU, Josette    TOURENQ, Johann TRUCCOLO, Serge UZAN, Jean-Pierre VAIRON, Nathalie VALIENTE, Karl VAN METER, Philippe VAUGOUIN, Jean-Claude VICENTE, Thuy Hang VU, Karim ZEGHAL


Jean ALLILAIRE, Annie BACON, Dominique BARJOT, Isabelle BAROILLIER, Marc BATTIER, Eric BAUDE, Françoise BERLAN, Françoise BERTEIN, Laura BILLES, Bernadette BING, Jocelyne BLANC, Jean-Louis BRUNEAU, Florence BUI, Côme BUREAU, Yomara CASTRO, Frédérique CHABAUD, Emmanuelle CHOLLET, Franck COSENTINO, Nicolas CRESPELLE, Chantal CRISCUOLO, Donald    DAVESNE, Jacques DAVID, Hervé DE JOUVANCOURT, Jacques DEBORD, Alain DEFOY, Cyril DEICHA, Jean-Louis DELAUNAY, Isabelle DESMOND, Sylvie DROUGARD, Frédérique DRUGEAT, Francis    DUMAS, Sebastien DUPERRON, Flore DUPUY, Nicole DUVAL BOULOC, Catherine ESNAULT, Isabelle EUDES, Christine FAVEZ RITTER, Ludovic FERAT, Violeta    FERNANDEZ VILLALBA, Christine FOLTIER, Claire FONVIEILLE, FREDERIC FOUCAULT, Alain FREIXANET, Anne-Catherine FRITZINGER, EmilienGARCIA, Joakim    GAUTIER, Elisabeth GILLET-PERROT, Anna HARTMANN, Stéphanie HARTMANN, Joelle HENNEQUIN, Ravinatha KHIM, Christiane LAFFITE, Jean-Pierre LAGARD, Laurent LAPEIRE, Solange LAVIELLE, Philippe LE BORGNE, Antonio LECHASSEUR, Johann LECLERCQ, Thierry LEVASSEUR, Béatrice MARGAS, Georges MARTIN, Françoise MELONIO, Sabine MEME, Dominique MERCIER, Nicole MIOSSEC, Marc    MOOS, François MOREAU, Vincent MOULY, Patrick MULLER, Soraya NEBBACHE, Lam NGUYEN, Gisèle NSIANGANI, Céline OLLIVAUX, Christiane PAGES, Christine PASQUET, Michel PASQUIER, Hervé PERRIN DE BRICHAMBAUT, Antoine PICHOT, René PINEL, Anne-Elise PROUZET, Mireille     QUEHEN, Jean-Michel RAIMOND, Jean-Alain RAULT, Ariane RIBEIRO, Paul RICHARD, Denise ROLLAND, Morgan ROUPRET, Alain SEGOUAT, Nicole SIEFFER, Philippe SOULIE, Amadou TALL, Nicolas TAVERNIER, Serge THORIMBERT, Clément VAN HAMME, Cécile VERCAMER, Charlotte VEZIA ROCCHIETTA, Isabelle VISNOVEC BUISSEZ, Valérie VRAIN… 

And all the other donors who wished to remain anonymous


Discover our courses catalog


The Faculty of Medicine teaches the 3 cycles of medical studies: from PASS (integrated into the faculty) to the 3rd cycle including DES, DESC, DU and DIU. The lessons are given mainly on two sites: Pitié-Salpêtrière and Saint-Antoine. The faculty also provides paramedical education: speech therapy, psychomotricity and orthoptics. The Saint-Antoine site includes a midwifery school.

Study | at the faculty of medicine

One of our riches is the diversity of students and their backgrounds. Sorbonne University is committed to the success of each of its students and offers them a wide range of training as well as support adapted to their profile and their project.

Associative life

One of our riches is the diversity of students and their backgrounds. Sorbonne University is committed to the success of each of its students.

21 393


17 527



Doctors in medecine and research


Research centers

Welcome to Sorbonne University's Faculty of Science & Engineering

A unique combination of courses and expertise

Our international study programmes are organised according to the major disciplinary areas of the faculty. They represent the graduate study programmes that are not strictly conducted in French or that could be suitable (in part) for non French-speaking students. They also reflect part of the diversity of the disciplines involved and the bi- and inter-disciplinary aspects of many of the courses we offer.


Research & Innovation

We rely on disciplinary skills and on interdisciplinary approaches to renew concepts, methods and research subjects and to focus on some of the crucial issues faced by our societies: transformations affecting the very construction of knowledge (data, AI), the treatment of complex objects (the environment, marine and ocean sciences, cultural heritage) or our contributions to addressing societal challenges (climate change, healthcare).

Study at | The Faculty of Science & Engineering

Our campuses offer different and unique experiences to our students, visitors and staff. Resources and support services are also available to ensure an equal chance at success to all.

Campus Life

In addition to the cultural activities and events organised throughout the year by our clubs and societies, the Parismus society organises numerous events, evenings and cultural visits that will help you discover France and its parisian life.







Sorbonne University's Faculty of Science & Engineering, Oriented towards excellence