diplomes entrepreneuriat et intrapenreuriat

Degrees in entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship

PEPITE Sorbonne University offers many training courses in entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship dedicated to students and newly graduates. 

Degrees in entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship

If you have in mind to create your own company:

  • “The Student Entrepreneur Diploma” (D2E) is a degree available for students and newly graduates whichever your level of study. It lasts for an academic year. Evening classes allow students to be enrolled into two degrees at the same time (possibility to hold D2E and another degree at the same time). Students follow courses dedicated to the creation of their company and are accompanied in the development of their project.
  • The “Mastère Spécialisé CELSA Entreprendre”, this degree belongs to the Conference des Grandes Ecoles (CGE) and is avalaible to those who possess at least a Master 2 (Bachelor +2). This post master diploma takes place during 12 months as a part-time studying. It welcomes students from initial formation and/or professionals who want to get back to studies. This high level formation counts 475 hours of class along with a double academic and entrepreneurial monitoring.

You are interested by entrepreneurship but you are not ready yet to lauch your own business so you would like to have a training in project management :

  • The « Entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial project management » Academic Diploma belongs to the Bachelor + 3 level and is opened to the holders of a master’s degree (Bachelor +2) and PhD students. It has two different learning pathways : one in French and the other is an European learning pathway taught in English and availaible for the students of 4EU+. It takes place during one academic year. It combines essential entrepreneurship skills formation, methodology of project management training and simulation exercise within a multidisciplinary team, offering answers to the question of Sorbonne University partner’s innovation request. Students are directly in touch with one of the sponsor representatives, which can be a firm, an association or a collectivity.

The “The Student Entrepreneur Diploma”, the “Mastère Spécialisé CELSA Entreprendre” and the “Entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial project management » Academic Diploma” are delivered by the CELSA, the school of communication from Sorbonne University. 

Objectives of the training 

The goal of the “Student Entrepreneur Diploma” (D2E) is to accompany students in the creation, implementation and development of their entrepreneurial project. This degree is based on an experimental teaching which favors learning through action. 

It allows students to obtain basic and fundamental knowledge and practices in entrepreneurship. They can also benefit from an individual help with experts and a mentor. 

The objective of the Student Entrepreneur Diploma is to make the student asking himself questions regarding the development of his or her project and give him or her resources in order to: 

  • clarify his or her idea, and conceptualize his or her product or services
  • do his or her own market research, and define its value 
  • choose an economic model and implement his or her own business plan 
  • create his or her own brand, implement his or her business and communication strategies 
  • choose a judicial structure adapted to his or her project 
  • achieve an entrepreneurial stance, learn how to introduce himself or herself, and introduce his or her project 

Introduction of the training 

The training starts with an immersive business creation game which allows students to understand and experiment the different steps of an entrepreneurial project. 

Courses allow students to obtain basic notions in the creation of a company (marketing, communication, commercial strategy, business model, intellectual property, company law etc.) in order to apply them to their project, during workshops and individual meetings. 
This training is offered by the CELSA, a communication school, member of the “Conférence des Grandes Ecoles”, which allows students to benefit from solid trainings and advice, specifically in marketing and communication. Regarding double degrees, the entrepreneurship student can obtain the authorization to substitute his or her mandatory internship in order to have working times dedicated to the development of his or her entrepreneurship project (if the training director gives his or her agreement). 

Discover the experience of three alumni of the “D2E”: 

Marion Carré - AskMona 

Anthony Grally – Le Cab’ Politique

Arnaud Ravat – Hygie Solution 

Organization of the training 

  • 3 hours of class, per week (on the evening), from October to June 
  • Immersive business game during two days 

Conditions of admission

The « Student Entrepreneur Diploma » is exclusively open to students and recently graduated people who have succeeded to obtain the « National Student Entrepreneur Status» from PEPITE Sorbonne University (Student Center for Innovation, Transfer and Entrepreneurship). 

It is accessible for students at their first year of bachelor’s degree, in double diploma. It is only available as a unique degree (without any other enrollment) to recently young graduated people. 

Registration fees at the “Student Entrepreneur Diploma” degree cost 500€ per year. Registration fees at Sorbonne University are deductible from the registration fees in “Student Entrepreneur Diploma”. 
Scholarship student holders are exempt from registration fees. 

Application procedure
I apply to the “Statut National d’Etudiant-Entrepreneur” and check the following box : “You want to apply at the “D2E” Student Entrepreneur Diploma.


  • Submission of application: June 1st to September 23rd 
  • Deadline of the submission of application: September 23rd 
  • Selection committees:

1st session: mid-June 
2nd session: end of September 

  • Beginning of the training: mid-October 

Objectives of the training 

The «Entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial project management » Academic Diploma is adressed to recently young graduated people who already have a Master’s degree and wish to receive training in project management. By following these classes, students can hope to work in intrapreneurship in an important company, join a startup or participate in the development of an association or an organization engaged into social and solidarity-based economy or in environmental transition. 

This degree is addressed to recently young graduated people who want to use their expertise and drive at the service of an innovating project, who want to do teamwork and who want to learn multidisciplinarity. 

It is based on an experimental way of teaching which favors learning through action, and multidisciplinarity. Each Company or institution in partnership with PEPITE Sorbonne University introduce their own project and innovative quality that define their identity as a company. Students who are in a teamwork learn how to solve problems. 

Introduction of the training 

The «Entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial project management » Academic Diploma has two axis. The first axis focuses on 80 hours of classes in order to discover the basics in entrepreneurship: through the use of ‘design thinking’, identify the opportunities and build innovating suggestions and solutions based on an economic model, seek for financing, initiate himself or herself to creativity, build a commercial activity with bootstrapping, learn how to argue and convince… 

The second axis is a real project management in the field of innovation on a subject given by partnership companies from Sorbonne University, provided through educational support and learning the basics in intrapreneurship project management. Multidisciplinary teams work for 6 months in order to conceive, try and present an innovating solution to the existed challenge. This experience allows students to develop abilities in building innovating projects, management, team work, and multidisciplinarity. 

Introduction of 2 projects held during The «Entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial project management » Academic Diploma 

Organization of the training 

The training lasts for an academic year: 

  • Fall: Master class on the basics of entrepreneurship 
  • January – June: courses on the basics of project management in intrapreneurship and part-time in project management with a multidisciplinary team on a problematic given by a company partnership of Sorbonne University. It is also possible to obtain internship contracts in part time. 

Conditions of admission

The «Entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial project management » Academic Diploma is a Bac+6 degree, accessible to Master’s degree holders (Bac+5). 
Registration fees for the « DU » are 500€ per year. 

Application procedure – contacts and pieces of information 

I apply to the Arts and Humanities Faculty of Sorbonne University:
Valérie Patrin-Leclère

Teaching manager of the «Entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial project management » Academic Diploma
Marion Haverkamp 

Education administrator from the “CELSA” 


  • Submission of application: June 1st to September 25th 2022
  • Deadline of the submission of application: September 25th 2022 at midnight 
  • Eligibility deliberation: October 15, 2022 
  • Admission oral : progressively 
  • Beginning of the training : beginning of November 2022 

Application file :

  • A detailed resume 
  • A detailed cover letter (studies, professional experiences, motivations towards entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship…)
  • A graduation certificate of the level Bac + 5 (or training certificate of the current year) accompanied with achieved results. 

Engagement in this training needs the availability of students in full time. During the project management session (January – June), a professional and complementary activity in part-time can be done, in agreement with the responsible of formation, specifically through an internship contract. 

Objectives of the diploma

The “Entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial project management” University Diploma is designed for those with a master’s degree or higher and who want to be trained in project management. This diploma enables graduates to work for a big company in intrapreneurship, a start-up or to develop associations or organizations committed social, economic or ecological transformation. Only students from a 4EU+ university (which of course includes Sorbonne University students) can apply for this University diploma.

The degree is offered either as a national program in French or within the European framework of the 4EU+ Alliance, in English.
It is designed for recently graduated students who want to use their expertise and energy for an innovative project who want to learn how to work in a team and be introduced to a multidisciplinary approach.
It is based on experiential learning, which emphasizes learning through action. In the context of this diploma, the company and partner institutions present a project or a challenge that is extremely innovative. The students are then divided into project teams to work together solving the issue.

Concise presentation of the schedule

The “Entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial project management” University Diploma has two main components. The first is 80 hours of classes in the fundamental elements in entrepreneurship: identify opportunities and co-building using design thinking to propose innovative solutions, settle on an economic model, look for financing, take a creative approach, launch a business activity using bootstrapping, make a convincing case to stakeholders.

Most of the class will be held online.

The second component is a real project management case on innovation about a subject raised by one of the university partner organisations, supported by a pedagogical framework and to learn intrapreneurial project management fundamentals. The multidisciplinary teams work for six months in order to design, test and present an innovative solution to the given challenge. This practical exercise allows students to develop skills to lead innovative projects, manage teams and multidisciplinary approaches.

Presentation of two projects led inside the « Entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial project management » Academic Diploma :

Presentation of « Entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial project management » Academic Diploma [Video]

Reduction of waste in plane with Safran  [Video] 

Organization of the diploma

The program is for one academic year

  • Autumn: master classes about entrepreneurship essentials
  • January-June: half-time on learning intrapreneurial project management fundamentals and half-time on project management with a multidisciplinary team on an issue driven by a silent partner of Sorbonne University. Part-time internships agreements are possible.

Terms of access

The « Entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial project management » University Diploma is e is open to the holders of a master’s degree and/or PhD students.

Application-contacts and information

Students should apply by sending a letter of intent and a CV to the corresponding person in their university:

The deadline to apply is the 25th of September.
The program will start on the 7th of November.

Objectives of the training 

The « Master Spécialisé CELSA Entreprendre » is post master diploma recognized by the “Conférence des Grandes Ecoles” (CGE) and is available to those who possess at least a Master 2 (Bachelor +2). It is a high level of training open to “academic education” and “ continuing education”. This degree is addressed to project holders in constantly evolving companies, and innovating project managers, entrepreneurs and start-upers. 

The « Master Spécialisé CELSA Entreprendre » is specifically adapted to experiment professionals and graduate people from a Master’s degree, or PhD candidates who wish to complete their training in entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship, combined with a mentorship program during the whole year with experts in innovation, and entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial project management. 

  • The “Mastère Spécialisé CELSA Entreprendre”, this degree belongs to the Conference des Grandes Ecoles (CGE) and is avalaible to those who possess at least a Master 2 (Bachelor +2). This post master diploma takes place during 12 months as a part-time studying. It welcomes students from initial formation and/or professionals who want to get back to studies. This high level formation counts 475 hours of class along with a double academic and entrepreneurial monitoring.

Introduction of the program 

The program of the « Master Spécialisé CELSA Entreprendre » is structured around two axis:

  • the objectives of the training program are : developping the posture and the entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship approach, gaining practical abilities researched by companies in the fields of management and innovation in order to build a business model, innovating project management, marketing and communication strategies, management…
  • an individual project tracking and a mentorship provided by experts on innovation in order to accompany students in the implementation of their entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial project during the whole year. At the end of the year, the student has to write and do a thesis defense. 

Organization of the training 

The training lasts for 450 hours during 12 months, in part-time, in order to be fitted with a professional activity. It lasts 2 to 3 days every two weeks, from October to June, with the addition of an individual monitoring and mentorship. 
You can consult the brochure of the “Mastère spécialisé CELSA ENTREPRENDRE” (in French)

Conditions of admission

The « Mastère Spécialisé ®CELSA ENTREPRENDRE » is post master diploma recognized by the “Conférence des grandes écoles" (CGE) and is accessiblee to those who possess at least a Master’s degree (Bac+5 / Bachelor +2) and professionals “through validation of academic credits due to experience. (VAE)”. 

Application procedure 

I apply to the Faculty of Arts and Humanities on the CELSA website
You can find more pieces of information regarding registration and application files here: Mastère Spécialisé ®CELSA ENTREPRENDRE

Marion Haverkamp 
Education administrator from the “CELSA”


  • Submission of application: Until September 23th 2022
  • Commissions of the Validation of Acquired Professional and Personal Knowledge (VAPP) and admission organized many times during the year 
  • Beginning of the training: October 2022 
  • End of the training: September 30, 2023. 


Discover our courses catalog


The Faculty of Medicine teaches the 3 cycles of medical studies: from PASS (integrated into the faculty) to the 3rd cycle including DES, DESC, DU and DIU. The lessons are given mainly on two sites: Pitié-Salpêtrière and Saint-Antoine. The faculty also provides paramedical education: speech therapy, psychomotricity and orthoptics. The Saint-Antoine site includes a midwifery school.

Study | at the faculty of medicine

One of our riches is the diversity of students and their backgrounds. Sorbonne University is committed to the success of each of its students and offers them a wide range of training as well as support adapted to their profile and their project.

Associative life

One of our riches is the diversity of students and their backgrounds. Sorbonne University is committed to the success of each of its students.

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Our international study programmes are organised according to the major disciplinary areas of the faculty. They represent the graduate study programmes that are not strictly conducted in French or that could be suitable (in part) for non French-speaking students. They also reflect part of the diversity of the disciplines involved and the bi- and inter-disciplinary aspects of many of the courses we offer.


Research & Innovation

We rely on disciplinary skills and on interdisciplinary approaches to renew concepts, methods and research subjects and to focus on some of the crucial issues faced by our societies: transformations affecting the very construction of knowledge (data, AI), the treatment of complex objects (the environment, marine and ocean sciences, cultural heritage) or our contributions to addressing societal challenges (climate change, healthcare).

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