
Theophilus Yoel Wiryanto

A Double Major in Mechanics and Electronics, Electrical Energy, Automation

Nothing is impossible for those who persevere!

Passionate about aeronautics, aerodynamics and mechanics, Theophilus Yoel Wiryanto recently benefited from the Sorbonne University Foundation's Passport to a Master's scholarship program. Funded by the SAFRAN company, this scholarship combines financial support and personalized mentoring. 

Tell us about your background. What led you to studying mechanics and electronics?

Having grown up in a family with a passion for science and engineering, I think my fascination with this field began when I was a kid. I still remember the moment that sparked my interest: I was talking to my father, who is a mechatronics engineer. He explained to me how, as part of his job, he often had to go out into the field to work on mechatronic components with other engineers and technicians. His work inspired and motivated me to build my academic and professional project in this field. Moreover, I am strongly attracted to the aeronautics and aerospace sector, which is one of the main reasons why I applied for this scholarship. Finally, these are sectors with good prospects for the future since they are inseparable from the world we know today. 
After obtaining my scientific baccalaureate in Indonesia, I decided to dive into these two fields, and that's why I'm currently studying for a bachelor's degree with a double major in Mechanics and Electronics at Sorbonne University!   

Why did you choose this course at Sorbonne University?

For many reasons! Coming to Sorbonne University was a dream of mine when I was still a student in Indonesia. I always wanted to study abroad in order to broaden my horizons, to discover new cultures, to learn a new language, and above all to make new friends or professional contacts. Sorbonne University is one of the best scientific universities in France and even in the world thanks to the quality of its teaching, its academic and scientific excellence, and the professional integration of its alumni. All this led me to choose Sorbonne University for my higher education and I think that it is a good springboard towards the realization of my future projects.

What projects do you hope to pursue at the end of your studies?

After my bachelor's degree, I plan to do a master's degree in fluid mechanics in order to consolidate my knowledge in this field. This master’s will allow me to acquire new skills and experiences, especially in aerodynamics and aeronautics, which will be extremely useful for my integration into the professional world. I also wish to continue my involvement in TOP AERO (the student association of aeronautics and aerospace of Sorbonne University), by taking part in projects that make the link with everything I learn.
But I also hope the story doesn't end there! At the end of my master's degree, I won't rule out doing a thesis before entering the workforce.

What does the Passport scholarship mean to you?

The program is a real springboard towards the realization of my professional project and my personal aspirations. The Passport scholarship provides major financial and academic support which is essential to ensure success in my studies. Indeed, as an international student who arrived in France during a difficult period, there were things that were not so obvious to me at first, especially the financial aspect. It is a big relief for me knowing that I can continue my studies in better conditions, while being accompanied and guided by professionals working in my favorite field. 
Moreover, this scholarship has brought me a certain personal pride as one of my best achievements. I had the honor of being able to inspire my friends, especially those in my home country: never give up on your dreams and nothing is impossible for those who persevere!

What message do you have for Safran, who made your scholarship possible, and more broadly for a company considering supporting the Passport program?

First, I would like to express my sincere thanks to Safran! Personally, I have great admiration for companies and organizations that are willing to go the extra mile to help and support students. This generous gesture allows us to feel supported in our journey and to know that there is someone guiding us towards success.

The Sorbonne University Foundation

The Sorbonne University Foundation works to develop concrete solutions to major societal issues and uphold the academic influence of Sorbonne University. It acts in favor of the national and international appeal of the university, of the full mobilization of its community, including its graduates, and of an increased synergy with the economic world.

Whether you're part of a company or an individual interested in supporting the students of Sorbonne University, discover our scholarship programs.

For all inquiries concerning the awarding of scholarships, please write to us at



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